Haliwa-Saponi Indian Tribe, Inc. - Tribal Constitution

Revised: June 1988

Disclaimer: Although every effort is made to present current and accurate information, if you need an official version of the tribe’s laws, please contact the tribe.

The tribe has not given permission for the full-text document to be made available online here. Please contact the library for assistance.

Table of Contents

Bylaws of the Haliwa-Saponi Indian Tribe, Inc.

Article I
1. Name
2. Seal
3. Office
4. Other Offices
5. Number of Council Members

Article II - Purpose

Article III - Officer and Duties
1. Officers
2. Tribal Chief
3. Vice-Chief
4. Chairman of Tribal Council
5. Vice Chairman of Tribal Council
6. Council Secretary
7. Tribal Secretary
8. Treasurer
9. ANA Project Director

Article IV - Meetings
1. Regular Meetings
2. Special Meetings
3. Tribal Council Meetings
4. Attendance Requirements
5. Quorum
6. Officer Compensation

Article V - Elections
1. Election Committee
2. Annual Election
3. Qualified Voters
4. Manner of Voting
5. Election of Chief and Vice-Chief
6. Election of Tribal Council Members
7. Council Members Terms of Office
8. Vacancies

Article VI - Tribal Membership
1. Requirements
     A. Tribal Enrollment
     B. Application Procedure
2. Termination of Membership
3. General Requirements

Article VII - Standing Committees
1. Executive Committee
2. Personnel Committee
3. Grievance Committee
4. Election Committee
5. Other Committees
6. Terms of Committees

Article VIII - Contracts, Loans, and Deposits
1. Contracts
2. Loans
3. Checks and Drafts
4. Deposits

Article IX
1. Amendments
2. Fiscal Year
3. Bonding
4. Expulsion
5. Proxies
6. Advisory Councils

[Table of Contents created by NILL based on print materials revised in June 1988.]