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Absentee-Shawnee Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma


Housing Act

Chapter Two. Purposes and Definitions

Section 201. Purposes

Section 202. Definitions

AST HOUSING Act Section 201
Section 201. Purposes

The Absentee Shawnee Housing Act shall serve the purposes of

(a) Remedying the lack of financial resources for enrolled tribal members, its elderly, disabled, handicapped enrolled Tribal members;

(b) To improve on the quality of life for enrolled tribal members, its elderly, disabled, handicapped enrolled Tribal members residing in the Absentee Shawnee Housing Authority homes;

(c) This Act shall allow the enrolled members, its elderly, disabled, handicapped enrolled members to have more of their own resources that will assist then in the improvement of the quality of their life;

(d) This Act includes all current enrolled members that are participants who reside in houses provided by the Absentee Shawnee Housing Authority and any future participants of enrolled members so residing;

(e) This Act does not allow for any reimbursements for prior participants if they have already paid off their housing unit and have received a clear title or deed from the Absentee Shawnee Housing Authority;

(f) Any enrolled elderly member or spouse of a deceased enrolled member, disabled and handicapped that qualify in Chapter Two, Section 202, Definitions (a), (b) and (c) in this Chapter shall be granted a free and clear title or deed to their home that is now owned by the Absentee Shawnee Housing Authority upon passage of this Act. This will allow the participant to have more of their financial resources to improve upon on the quality of their life;

(g) Any enrolled member that are not elderly, disabled and handicapped that qualifies under Section 202, Definitions (d) and (e) of this Chapter shall be granted a free title or deed after paying on their home for no more than fifteen years. This will allow them to have more of their resources to improve upon their quality of life;

(h) It shall be the responsibility of the Absentee Shawnee Housing Authority to assist any member in explaining taxes and responsibility of the participant to take care of the debt free property including assisting them in securing property insurance. The Authority shall be responsible for only ninety days of insurance coverage after conveyance, after that it will be the responsibility of the participant to pay for the insurance. That will allow the participant to be fully informed of their obligations as new homeowners and it will improve on their quality of life.

(i) The Absentee Shawnee Housing Authority shall amend its Mutual Help Occupancy Agreements if needed in order to comply with the mandate of this Act.

Absentee Shawnee Housing Act Section 201, AST HOUSING Act Section 201




AST HOUSING Act Section 202
Section 202. Definitions

The Absentee Shawnee Housing Act for the enrolled members, including the elderly, disabled, handicapped enrolled members of the Tribe shall define the eligibility of the participants that shall participate in this Act now and in the future:

(a) Eligible participant is defined and shall mean the participant must be 18 years of age or older and an enrolled member of the Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma in order to be eligible under this Act and currently residing in an Absentee Shawnee Housing Authority Home and who is voluntarily seeking inclusion in the program or programs set forth in this Act;

(b) Elderly is defined and shall mean that any member who is enrolled with the Absentee Shawnee Tribe and has reached the retirement age of 62 or the surviving spouse of the deceased Tribal member who has reached the age of 62 and is currently residing at the residence shall also be defined as elderly and eligible under this definition;

(c) Disabled and handicapped are defined and shall mean any member who is enrolled with the Absentee Shawnee Tribe who has been declared permanently disabled or handicapped by the state or federal government and is currently receiving a disability check either from the Social Security Administration or Veterans' Affairs;

(d) Enrolled Members are defined by the Constitution of the Absentee Shawnee Tribe and shall mean that the participant is currently enrolled with the Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma and no other Tribe;

(e) Absentee Shawnee Housing Authority is defined and shall mean an agency founded by the Tribal government under State law which provides decent, safe and sanitary housing to the members of the Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma;

(f) Real Property is defined and means the same as real estate including land, buildings or improvements on it and natural assets, as mineral rights etc.;

(g) Conveyance is defined and shall mean the transfer of the ownership of real property;

(h) Monthly Equity Payment Account is defined and shall mean any residual monthly payment amount made over the Administrative Cost set by the Absentee Shawnee housing Authority that is accumulated and being held by the Authority in the name of the participant;

(i) Mutual Help and Occupancy Agreement is defined and shall mean a contractual agreement between the Authority and participant setting the terms and conditions for the participant to attain ownership of the real property belonging to the Authority.

Absentee Shawnee Housing Act Section 202, AST HOUSING Act Section 202